Introducing a new search experience for SoFar Sounds

As music lovers, my team mate and I were excited to help SoFar Sounds in making it easy for new users to book intimate concerts by redesigning their websites search experience.

Introducing a new search experience for SoFar Sounds

As music lovers, my team mate and I were excited to help SoFar Sounds in making it easy for new users to book intimate concerts by redesigning their websites search experience.


User Research

Product Strategy

UI Design

Interaction Design







3 weeks

Design Process

The Problem

Currently, the search experience for available concerts is limited to a single drop-down menu based solely on location. Our research indicated that new users find it confusing to navigate through the search experience to find local gigs based on their preferences.

The Solution

From a business perspective, SoFar Sounds is interested in making it easy for music lovers to book local gigs and increase the number of bookings. My team and I designed a solution that allows users to search local gigs by location, date, and genre preferences.


Usability Review

For this case study we focused on conducting a variety of research methods and began with a usability test of the current interface using Maze. The data gathered from Maze helped us better understand the pain-points of the current interface and allowed us to start ideating solutions.

User Interviews

Before we began ideating we needed to gather some more information on what users would like to experience from the SoFar Sounds interface so my teammate and I conducted two live interviews and recorded our data using Dovetail. Using this tool we were able to categorize the demographics of our interviewees and understand their expectations from a concert ticketing platform.

Competitor Benchmarking

In order to keep up with benchmarking standards and current market trends we needed to analyze SoFar Sounds indirect and direct competitors. By using this research method we are able to gather insights about what is working for our competitors and what is not and identitify any gaps in processing that we are missing.

Information Architecture

For our final research method we mapped out the hierarchy of content in the current interface to understand what information was being communicated, how we can better retain users and boost the websites popularity.


After gathering all of the research data we were ready to ideate from our findings and due to time constraints we were only focused on modifying existing features that would produce our end goal.

User Flows

Mapping out the current and new user flows, we were able to ensure that our solutions focused on retaining new users.


In our rapid prototyping process we focused on creating features that would support new users in customizing their search experience.

Styles & Components

While keeping within time constraints, we wanted to integrate the theme of SoFar sounds branding within the interface. We accomplished this by designing a new interface in dark mode and creating a sense of inclusion within the language of each feature.

High Fidelity Prototype

Based on our research we wanted to keep up with the trends of other concert ticketing platforms and we accomplished this by maintaining a dark mode through the interface. By integrating these new features and using a dark theme, we were able to communicate SoFar Sounds vision to new users.

Three key learnings

1. Constraints for this case study were very clear and it was challenging! We had to balance our desire for design and time management

2. Communication and creating an schedule helped us complete our goals

2. The more research and data collected the better!

Next steps

If we had more time to work with SoFar Sounds, we would have liked to see an interface that allowed users customize their concert preferences and integrate the branding into the intimate concert experience.